Funding! It’s the fuel that powers your business. When starting or growing your business, it is often necessary to acquire capital to help get things done. Attaining this funding is often accomplished through loans (convertible into equity or non-convertible), angel investors, venture capitalists, and taking ...
Running a business always entails a certain level of risk. Any good business owner knows that it is important to understand those risks and take the necessary steps to minimize them, in order to succeed and endure. While there are many types of risk that ...
When starting a business, there are many issues to consider.. One of the most important is which type of business entity your business should employ. There are several different options, each of which will have implications on the legal structure of the business, the taxes ...
Welcome back! In part 1 of this series, we discussed some tips for entrepreneurs looking to improve their “hit” rate with potential strategic partners and investors. In part 2, we’ll explore the problems inherent in the following scenario: You’ve been working on your research diligently. ...
Technology is worthless . . . UNLESS someone can translate it into products or services that make a practical difference in people’s lives. Learning how to make that translation is the key to making your company more attractive to strategic partners and potential investors. Let’s begin ...
Employees and independent contractors can be a mixed blessing. They can add tremendously to your business if handled correctly. If handled incorrectly, they can undermine your success and detract from your business. Here we’ll deal with just a few of the issues that the careful ...
The form you use to conduct your business has real world consequences. And this applies whether you’re in a high technology business like biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, medicals or diagnostics, or in a low technology business like consumer products, apparel or personal services. Many founders, researchers ...
It’s no secret that the entrepreneur who has just mortgaged his home to launch his business, tends to see the category “Attorney” as strictly on the liability side of the ledger. But taking that view can be short-sighted. A lawyer with business experience can help ...
Choosing the right entity for your business is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make as an entrepreneur. It affects your personal liability, the way you pay taxes, your operating procedure, and what regulations and restrictions apply to the way you do business. ...
Crowley Law LLC is proud to support Hope Through Education and their mission is to help thousands of underprivileged students reach their full potential through the gift of a great education. Learn more about this organization.