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Starting a business can be an exciting endeavor, but it can also be a complex process. Entrepreneurs in New York that are seeking to form a new company may need to consider a variety of factors when choosing a legal structure for their business. Since this can ...

The concepts and ideas that drive a company may play a significant role in its success. Whether these ideas pertain to product specifications, or dictate daily operations, they can play an integral role in the longevity of a company. Business owners in New York and ...

While there is no statistical basis for the often-repeated claim than nine of 10 new businesses will fail, the challenges faced by technology startups are significant. According to a study by Bruce D. Phillips of the National Federation of Independent Business and the late Bruce ...

Starting a new business can be an exciting endeavor, but it can also be complex. Entrepreneurs in New York and across the nation may need to cover a variety of crucial aspects upon forming a new business entity, especially if they intend on hiring employees. ...

Entering into business with another entity can be an exciting endeavor. However, while such an arrangement could help a company achieve greater success, there may also be a certain level of risk involved. Entrepreneurs in New York who are considering entering a business partnership may ...

One recent decision by the U.S. Supreme Court might have escaped the notice of many in the country. We doubt that entrepreneurs in New Jersey and elsewhere missed the news, however, considering the potential scope of the ruling across all areas of industry, including life ...

BioNJ, New Jersey’s advocate for the life sciences industry, just sent out an alert to members about New Jersey’s innovative NOL transfer program. See the attached note from BioNJ and the NJ EDA’s press release. It’s a real boost for NJ technology businesses. Call us ...

If you are launching a business, it’s important to protect your personal assets from the results of the business. You can do this by creating a properly constituted business entity. You should never start a business or sign contracts in your own name.  Otherwise, you would ...

Intellectual property often gets short shrift from business owners. This is understandable since oftentimes, it is hard to sort out what constitutes your business’s intellectual property… and then how do you begin to protect it? The key to remember is that intellectual property is by ...

Social media has touched and changed nearly every aspect of our world and lives. We are now more connected than ever, which has allowed for enhanced collaboration and awareness around the world. The social network has had a significant impact on the legal world as ...

I had the opportunity for a pre-opening visit to the Johnson & Johnson Innovation – JLabs NYC (“JLabs-NYC”) facility at the New York Genome Center. JLabs is an innovative outreach program by Johnson & Johnson to assist growing life sciences companies develop their technologies in ...

The short answer is because your product or service will usually not sell itself. No matter how novel or revolutionary your product or service is, you still need to know if there is a market for it. The Basics Market analysis fills in these gaps ...

JLABS, Johnson & Johnson’s innovation center venture, is opening a branch in SoHo. I met Dr. Kate Merton, Director of JLABS@NYC at a recent kick-off event. She is a highly skilled scientist and entrepreneur who is passionate about supporting innovative life sciences company. As a ...

Clients sometime ask me why so many investors and business owners choose to incorporate in Delaware. The answer is straightforward. It’s a result of the Delaware General Corporate Law and interpretations of that law by the Delaware Supreme Court and the Delaware Court of Chancery. ...

In today’s modern world, a company’s most valuable assets aren’t necessarily the physical products that they produce. Instead, it is the intellectual property of these companies that give them their value. Nowhere is this truer than in the life sciences industry, though the same concepts ...

In the health sciences, information technology and data analytics can have a dramatic impact on well-being. An example of this is the use of innovation to address some of the world’s most pressing health challenges. One of these challenges is sepsis. It’s a severe bloodstream ...

The Mid-Atlantic BioAngels group is sponsoring an interesting pitch competition among winners of a number of East Coast pitch events. The presenters will be able to present and then hear the confidential assessments of experienced investors they otherwise never learn about. It should be fascinating. One of ...

Conducting clinical trials is an important part of developing new medical products and procedures. These trials can be difficult to structure properly, time-consuming, and very expensive. What many people fail to realize, however, is that they can also raise significant legal issues if they aren’t ...

Life science industries are incredibly important. This is true not only for developing and distributing medicines, treatments and other innovations to the public, but also for contributing to the overall economy. When a company develops a new treatment for an ailment affecting many people, for ...

Google is taking a major step to encourage upgrades to online security. Beginning in late October 2017, Google will “flag” as unsecure websites that use the “http” (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) communications protocol. They may also downgrade a site’s prominence in search results. This could ...

I’m pleased to announced recent successes for my client, HS Design Inc. (Gladstone, NJ). HSD was recently awarded a Phase I Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) grant from the National Institutes of Health for a drug delivery device for pediatric cancer patients. These grants are ...

Medical innovation is alive and well in NYC. I had the pleasure of serving as a judge at the Bench to Bedside Initiative Practice Round “Pitch” Event at Weill Cornell Medical College this week.  The Bench to Bedside Initiative is a collaboration among Weill Cornell ...

Most people these days log onto social media accounts daily, and many do it multiple times throughout the day. Whether it is Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or any of the others that are available, these systems can be useful tools for gathering and sharing information, keeping ...

Health care needs real competition. So say two Harvard faculty members based on research and experience discussed in a Harvard Business Review article. Professor Leemore Dafny (Professor Harvard Business School) and Dr. Thomas H. Lee (faculty Harvard Medical School) argue that the lack of competition ...

I’m pleased to announce that my client, BioAxone Biosciences Inc., has just received a substantial grant. The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke has awarded BioAxone and its collaborator, RXI Pharmaceuticals Inc., with a $1.6 Million two-year grant to continue their research into therapies ...

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