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According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), there are over 7,000 diseases classified as rare, affecting an estimated 25-30 million Americans. These diseases range from genetic disorders to infections, cancers, or auto-immune diseases. These diseases can be chronic, progressive, and in the worst cases, fatal. Thanks ...

Recently Phil Crowley was asked by Marianne Kolbasuk McGee, the Executive Editor of the Information Security Media Group (ISMG) to weigh in on data security measures that should be implemented by healthcare entities, research labs and other related facilities to help prevent and detect IP theft. Marianne was ...

The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is the regulatory arm of the United States Federal Government that promotes public health through the supervision of food and drug safety, cosmetics, dietary supplements, veterinary medicine, and many more facets of the health care industry. Their oversight helps ensure consumers ...

The Securities and Exchange Commission recently announced a rule change to expand the definition of “accredited investor” ultimately allowing more participation in private offerings. The rule amends one of the principal eligibility tests to include financially sophisticated investors whose income or net worth is below ...

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted just about every national and global industry, and drug companies are certainly no exception.One of the primary concerns for the pharmaceutical industry is the impact on clinical trials of drugs, medical devices, and biological products. These trials are an important ...

Robots Are Going to Eliminate These Jobs Held by Humans… More >


No business wants unexpected liabilities. People across the country are returning to work in high-contact and other industries. It’s not just retail and the restaurant trade that are involved. Think of workers in a laboratory, prototyping, or design space. High technology industries need to be ...

Healthcare provider organizations, pharmaceutical companies and medical device manufacturers all must take critical security… More >


The after-effects of the pandemic will be multi-faceted and far-reaching. In Parts One and Two of this discussion, I analyzed changes I expect in the workplace and in the delivery of healthcare services. And I wager you’ll see new approaches in the following areas as ...

Make no mistake – the Coronavirus pandemic is a serious matter. There is no doubt we will see the ripple effects of COVID-19 for months and years to come. None of us will know the full repercussions of our decisions for quite some time. In ...

Make no mistake – the Coronavirus pandemic is a serious matter. There is no doubt we will see the ripple effects of COVID-19 for months and years to come. None of us will know the full repercussions of our decisions for quite some time. BUT ...

Before coming to any type of business arrangement, the parties involved really need to negotiate the details of a written agreement or contract. Knowing how to negotiate contracts to protect your best interests is essential to a positive outcome. There’s much to discuss about this ...

Before starting a business, some entrepreneurs feel they must spend a great deal of time studying up on every aspect of the process. And that’s good – but at some point entrepreneurs need to “pull the trigger” and get started. Part of the job of ...

Launching a startup can be overwhelming – from hiring the right employees, developing an effective and impactful website to sourcing business. With multiple initiatives competing for bandwidth, it’s easy to neglect your organization’s most valuable assets—intellectual property (IP). Why Should You Have an IP Strategy ...

There may be a multitude of factors to consider and address prior to starting a business from scratch. Without previous experience in the area, entrepreneurs in New York might not always be fully prepared to tackle every aspect of the process. As having a strategy ...

While taking steps to prepare for what comes next could prove a vital part of starting a business, in some cases, one of the best ways to learn could be from experience. One form of experience that could teach entrepreneurs in New York a multitude ...

Prospective business owners in New York and elsewhere may encounter a variety of challenges upon deciding to start a new company. For many entrepreneurs, one of the most pressing concerns of forming a business could pertain to the financial aspects of the process. Since the ...

There may be a variety of factors that could influence the level of success a business will be able to achieve. One factor that might be a common concern for many prospective entrepreneurs in New York could pertain to finding ways to inspire and influence ...

While owning a business could come with its own set of potential rewards, there could also be a variety of challenges associated with the process. Entrepreneurs in New York may encounter numerous hurdles as they attempt to cultivate a successful business. Overcoming these hurdles could play a ...

Entrepreneurs need to plan – and also realize that things often don’t go according to plan. Those who wish to improve their chances of success could benefit from having a strategy in place to promote survivability and growth. Recent studies indicate that nearly half of all ...

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