Squaring Off for a Fight: NVCA vs. the Securities & Exchange Commission

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Over the years, I’ve seen a constant tension between capital market entrepreneurs and the regulators who try to set up “guardrails” to protect the public.

When either side goes too far there’s a backlash that moves the “needle” in the other direction.  The current situation with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) proposed rules on private equity funds is the latest example. In the intricate tapestry of finance, venture capital (“VC”) has long been the warp thread, enabling the weave of innovation and entrepreneurship.

It’s a sector that thrives on the ability to move swiftly, assess risk effectively and invest boldly. However, the SEC has proposed new regulations targeting private equity funds, prompting a significant response from the National Venture Capital Association (“NVCA”) and other capital markets investment organizations.

Crowley Law LLC is highly involved with innovative companies.  Their financing is a major focus of our efforts.  If you are seeking to create and find equity financing for a life sciences-based or other technology-based business, call us for a complimentary discussion of how we may be able to help you in your efforts, as well as providing help in the other legal areas required for operating a successful technology-based business.  You can reach us at (908) 540-6901 or [email protected].

In this note, we’ll discuss

  • The SEC proposal
  • The NVCA’s rationale for opposition
  • There are questions about suitability and effectiveness
  • Some suggestions for tailored regulation

The NVCA, a pivotal proponent of the venture capital industry, has voiced strong opposition to these proposed regulations, fearing they could stifle the entrepreneurial spirit that has been a cornerstone of American economic growth.

SEC Proposal: A Closer Look

The SEC’s proposed regulations aim to increase oversight of private equity funds, with a focus on transparency, fee structures and conflict of interest disclosures. The rules would prohibit many of the practices that are now common in the industry.  While the intent is to protect investors and maintain market integrity, the NVCA argues that these rules are a one-size-fits-all solution and could have unintended consequences for the VC sector.

NVCA Position: Protecting Innovation

The NVCA’s stance is built on the premise that venture capital operates distinctly from the broader private equity landscape. VC funds typically invest in early-stage companies, where the risk is high but so is the potential for transformative innovation. Their investors tend to be institutions and experienced individuals who are well-equipped to protect their interests. The NVCA believes that the new regulations do not adequately consider the unique nature of venture investments and could inadvertently burden startups with unnecessary red tape, potentially dampening their growth trajectory.

We’ve seen this happen before.  The regulations promulgated under the Sarbanes Oxley Act in 2002 dramatically raised the costs of being a public company. Passed in response to the collapse of several high profile companies based on financial reporting irregularities, the regulations did not distinguish between large companies and smaller ones.  It imposed a “one-size-fits-all” approach to public companies.  And it was typically the smaller ones that bore a disproportionate burden of new accounting requirements until those requirements were eased – but they still had a negative effect on small company performance for years.

Venture capital is the lifeblood of startups, providing not just financing but also strategic guidance and access to networks. The NVCA fears that increased regulatory burdens could lead to a more cautious investment approach. This could result in fewer funded startups, slower growth and ultimately, a decline in innovation. The agility of VC funds to make swift decisions is crucial for startups that often operate on the cutting edge of technology and market trends.

Suitability & Effectiveness

Another argument put forward by the NVCA is that the proposed regulations may not be suitable for the VC model. For instance, the VC ecosystem operates on long-term investments with an understanding of the inherent risks involved. The NVCA contends that the existing regulatory framework already offers adequate investor protection within this context. It suggests that the SEC’s one-size-fits-all approach exceeds its authority under applicable legislation and fails to differentiate between the activities of large, leveraged buyout funds, on the one hand, and venture capital funds, on the other hand, which rarely use leverage and focus on minority investments in private, early-stage companies.

See the formal court filing here.

The Way Forward: A Call for Tailored Regulation

The NVCA calls for a more nuanced approach to regulation, one that is tailored to the specific practices and risks of the venture capital model. They advocate for a regulatory environment that understands the difference between the various actors in the private equity space and crafts rules that apply appropriately to each.


As the debate unfolds, the opposition of the NVCA and others to the SEC’s proposed private equity fund regulations underlines the delicate balance between protecting investors and nurturing innovation. The need for regulation is clear, but so is the need for it to be well-calibrated to the unique dynamics of the venture capital ecosystem. The future of American innovation may well depend on finding this balance, ensuring that the fertile ground from which new ideas grow is not paved over with ill-fitting regulations. The NVCA’s position is not just about protecting venture capital firms; it’s about safeguarding the spirit of innovation that drives economic progress.

If you have concerns in this area, please reach out to us for a discussion at (908) 540-6901 or [email protected]  We’re here to help.

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